Bilby Community Development Ltd. (UEN: 201942228D) is a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG), registered as a Charity with Singapore's office of the Commissioner of Charities (COC).
Bilby is committed to comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies, good corporate governance practices and transparencies. All personnel of Bilby are expected to observe high standards of personal ethics and practice honesty and integrity in the course of fulfilling their duties and responsibilities.
Bilby has in place internal controls and operating procedures intended to detect, prevent, and deter improper and inappropriate activities. Despite its best systems and processes in place, intentional and unintentional violations of laws, regulations, policies, and procedures may still occur. To safeguard against such unwarranted behaviours, Bilby has in place this whistle blowing policy.
Our Whistle-blowing Policy provides the opportunity and avenue for our staff, partners, representatives, and general public to raise any concerns with regard to malpractice, statutory noncompliance, unfair treatment, misconduct, or any concerns they may have, in confidence.
The receiving officers will be the Chairman of Bilby Community Development Ltd. and its Audit Committee.
For an effective and efficient investigation, we encourage that your report include as much information and details in specifics as possible. Kindly indicate your contact details, in the event that we may require further information. All reports and/or identity of the whistle-blower will be treated in confidentiality.
For any whistle-blowing reports, please email them to CHAIRMAN, BILBY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LTD. at chairman@bilbycdl.com.