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Youth Engagement & Mentoring Programme

Based in an Activity/Drop-In Centre, Bilby’s Youth Workers and Youth Mentors will meaningfully engage with the youths - participating in conversations, group discussions, workshops, life skills, games and activities. Through these, the youths are encouraged to understand values, develop their social emotional skills, learn important life skills, and develop their characters.


More than just engaging with the youths, our Youth Workers provide mentoring, basic emotional support, support and guidance to them to help them navigate through difficult transitions in life and to further develop themselves. 


Should it be required, intervention and counselling will also be provided to those who may have higher needs.


Our Youth Engagement & Mentoring Programme supports GEAR-UP/ASE Programmes. Our team is well-versed to school programmes, and are able to provide consult on youth programmes.

Youth Leadership Programme & Community Project

Our leadership programme aims to accomplish the following:


  • Learn about leadership, teamwork and communication

  • Project planning and execution

  • Raise awareness and education of social issues


Through this programme, our youths will learn to identify and highlight social issues that they resonate with, and work towards planning and executing a community project that would benefit a partnering organisation or beneficiary. Through this project, they will learn valuable life skills and values that look to motivate and empower each and every one of them.


Some example of past projects executed by our youths:

  • Food Donation Drive

  • Environment Clean Up

  • Fundraising for a Cause

Youth Outreach Activities and Events

We plan and organise activities and events for youths - to serve as an outreach to capture and engage with youths.

Through these events and activities, we highlight and identify youths who have higher psychosocial and emotional needs, or who are just in need of more positive social support. These youths will be encouraged to attend our programmes more, so that we get the opportunity to help attend to their needs.

If you are interested to sponsor an activity/event, reach out to us and we can discuss further on how you can help us!

Counselling and Case Management Support

We provide counselling and case management support for youths with higher risks (e.g. truancy, delinquency, emotion management, mental health support).

As we understand each case can be uniquely different and require finesse to navigate, it will not do justice to the work to list all that is to say here.

If you are interested to know more, contact us for more information!

drop us an email
to find out more!

Contact Us: +65 8857 6897  |   |  Singapore

Bilby Community Development Ltd. is a registered company with ACRA (est. 13 December 2019), a registered charity in Singapore, and a full member of National Council of Social Services (NCSS).

© BILBY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LTD. / UEN: 201942228D / All Rights Reserved.

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