BILBY is a youth charity that strives to provide youths in Singapore the opportunities to define themselves, and the platforms to develop themselves holistically in a positive environment.
“We believe that every youth deserves the opportunities and platforms to define and develop themselves, to grow and excel.”
Our objective is to provide our youths with the opportunities to learn and discover their interests and strengths, and the platforms for them to develop these strength - through which they will form a greater sense of self and character.
Our programmes are designed to cater to the interests of the youths we work with, as well as address their psychosocial and emotional needs.
With this in mind, we provide the following programmes and services to ensure that their interests and needs are well understood and addressed:
Engagement and Mentoring Programmes
Outreach Events
Interests-Based Workshops (e.g. sports, arts, crafts work, music)
Counselling Services
Case Management (where required)
To learn more, check out our programmes here!
We’ve all been through rough patches and circumstances, feeling lost as we explore our way through our younger days: Wondering what we can do, what we are good at, and where we are heading towards..
In late 2019, a small team of Youth Workers, Counsellors, and social service professionals banded together to start up BILBY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LTD.
BILBY was started with the idea to provide a platform for youths to express and be themselves - to explore their own passions and interests, to grow and learn with equal opportunities as their peers, all while having a positive figure available to support and guide them through their exploration journey, building resilience and achieving excellence.
With that idea, and objective, we have worked tirelessly to always craft programmes that are designed around the needs of our youths.
OUR DREAM: To have our own Youth Centre. A drop-in centre for youths, where they can come in to seek help and support, to build new connections with others, to feel safe, to explore and learn new things, and ultimately - to grow and develop.
We're working hard, to raise the amount needed to make this dream a reality. And as we continue to work towards it, we will always look to provide the best care and support for our youths.
A small endangered marsupial that resides in the Australian desert. Small, but impactful - digging long tunnels and moving tonnes of dirt in the process. Just like the youths of our nations - small but just as significant and impactful.
And because we chanced upon this beautiful creature, and thought it is cute.
Our view: that everyone stands to gain, when we all come together to contribute to the greater community. We strive to empower our youths, so that they can in turn contribute to the community, and support its development.
As the Bilby digs long tunnels in the desert ground, these tunnels allow for agriculture to flourish and other creatures to utilise.And just like the bilby, we hope our youths - through their development and growth - will allow for the greater community to thrive and grow, benefitting all in the process.